FireStarter – Strategic Partnerships

By: Nate Haines, Digital Communicaitons Specialist Our agency proudly partners with organizations that provide top-tier marketing services, data insights and content support. With the backing of specialty marketers and advanced technology, these partnerships greatly benefit each of our clients and help them achieve their marketing goals. Some of our strategic partnerships include: 1) LocaliQ LocaliQ […]

6 Marketing Tools Healthcare Organizations Can Use For Staffing Shortages

By: Nate Haines, Digital Communications Specialist Over the last several years, staffing shortages have become a persistent challenge for healthcare organizations. From a dynamic job market to economic fluctuations, there are many reasons why companies struggle with recruiting and retaining talent. Healthcare employers should know that an effective marketing strategy combined with strong messaging can help attract […]

The Biggest Benefits of Repurposing Content

By: Rachel Hill Ponko, Media Relations/Writer Creating content is vital to marketing and public relations. It can also be immensely time-consuming and energy-zapping. Brainstorming topics, researching, writing, interviewing, fact-checking… it all takes valuable time and brain power. At FireStarter, we lean into one strategy that can help us reduce the time we spend creating content […]

Designing with a purpose

In graphic design, individuals can define and shape how people perceive the world around them. Whether crafting dynamic brand assets, developing eye-catching marketing materials, or designing engaging digital interfaces, graphic designers can use their aesthetic judgment and technical skills to create something that is both relevant and functional.  As an experienced graphic designer, Taylor Hollingsworth […]

The Negative Impact of an Unorganized Marketing Strategy

By: Nate Haines, Digital Communications Specialist Do you ever take notice when a company has bad marketing? A poor marketing strategy comes in many forms and can vary from industry to industry. Companies with an unorganized marketing strategy often run into similar problems, including: However, it’s not just the company’s brand image that is impacted by these problems. Current […]

Strengthening your Nonprofit Brand

By: Nate Haines, Digital Communications Specialist Sometimes it can be overwhelming for nonprofit organizations to try and reach their audiences, especially in the early stages of brand development. With the right marketing strategy, nonprofits can easily stand out from the crowd and quickly increase brand awareness. By starting with just a few important steps, you […]

Your workplace environment feeds into your brand’s reputation

By: Nate Haines, Digital Communications Specialist Have you ever considered how your brand is perceived by your audiences? Each day, the most effective mission-based organizations are run by people who respect one another and care for the people their company serves. If you are trying to figure out how to build a reputable brand or […]

Building A Transparent Brand

By: Lauren Bender, Administrative Coordinator One of the best ways for brands to build trust with an audience is by being transparent and honest. We can all think of examples of brands that have not been transparent. There is a seemingly endless list of brands that, in recent years, have: To build a strong brand, it is […]

Video Production Playbook

By Dawn Bonnell, Partner and Content Strategist  Video content has been and continues to be a key tactic to successful corporate marketing strategies. Whether you’re creating DIY videos using mobile apps or have a dedicated production team, the path to crafting compelling content requires a considerable amount of work before the camera starts rolling. After […]

Storytelling: A powerful marketing strategy

By: Jama Pryor Reflecting on more than a decade in healthcare marketing and philanthropy, I’ve wondered if the same storytelling techniques used to humanize healthcare and build trust and loyalty can be used in business-to-business (B2B) marketing.  Quite honestly, it has always been almost effortless to gather and tell stories about patients, their hero physicians […]